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It was a great moment for the Nairobi Christian church when Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Anyima Okundi were appointed as deacons of the Youth and Family Ministry within the East Africa International Churches of Christ. 

The lead Evangelist and the women ministry leader Mr. and Mrs. Jane Maleya had kind words for the Okundi’s for their exceptional service to the Kingdom over the years especially to the Kingdom Kids.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Anyima Okundi

Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Anyima Okundi

Edward in his appreciation speech thanked God for the new responsibility and for giving him a great family and a wife who has taught him more than he knows about himself. He challenged the congregation to aspire to rise up beyond the expectations when it comes to service in the Kingdom. Anyima Okundi acknowledged God, the Bible talk and the leadership of her husband that God has blessed her with. “The bible talk has encouraged my family all the way, she stated pensively.”

Evangelist John and Jane Maleya appointed them before the mammoth crowd at the Umoja Sanctuary during the Bee Sunday service. In their new capacity the Okundi’s will oversee the Youth and Family Ministry in the church here in Nairobi and help the Youth Ministry in any other capacity in East Africa churches that comprises Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Burundi.

“The task that God has bestowed on us is not easy. Many come into the church from dysfunctional families with a lot of misconception about parenting, which we need training and shepherding so that we align ourselves to God’s vision of youth and family,” said Edward.

He added, “Our role as deacons is to be the champion in shepherding God’s families assisted by the church members. However, this will not be possible without your support; the church, leadership – staff members and deacons. Above all pray for us.”

The situation is dire. There are parents who are not imparting the word of God to their children. We should not allow the societal problems to be manifested in the church. Most of the families are dysfunctional with absentee fathers and mothers. Our prayer is for God to enable us restore families to thrive the way God intended and build magnificent spiritual families within the East African churches. He appealed to all families and youths to embrace this responsibility.

The Okundi’s story date back to the London Church of Christ where they met and both got baptized. Edward Okundi was baptized on November 7th 1988 while Anyima was baptized on March 19th 1992. They had a colourful wedding at the All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi, Kenya on 25th June 1995 and have been blessed with three children Amira Okundi 15 – a disciple of Christ, Malaika Okundi 11 and Amani Okundi 9, both preteens.

Edward has held different roles in the kingdom. He led the campus ministry while single and in campus. Together with his wife Anyima they were zone leaders and sector leaders. Anyima Okundi has led numerous sisters in different capacities while single.

Edward Okundi who has been a disciple for the past 24 years has lived more than half his life in the church. Beaming with confidence Edward noted, “The awesome Christian life is our gift from God. Being a disciple is the best life because you enter a world that you could not create yourself.”

Edward is full of gratitude, “Being a disciple has rewarded me more than I could imagine.”

The writer can be reached at

CategoryKenya, Nairobi
  1. April 17, 2017

    Hi Edward

    It’s Andrew

    Call me on +1913 972 5762

    Andrew (you know who I am)

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